Friday Five: What does it take? (09.18.09)

Friday Five What does it take?

  1. What does it take to get you to grab the mic and sing in a karaoke room?
    Grabbing the mic… doesn’t take much.  But to sing karaoke… almost impossible (a two year old can sing better than I can).   Two times I’ve sang publicly.  1 in church (with my best friend): The whole church laughed (and it wasn’t humor time, it was a service) 2. My wedding – when I wasn’t yelling, most people heard the pro in the background.
  2. What does it take to get you to give up a whole Saturday to hang out with people you don’t like?
    Nothing, I don’t give up my Saturday.  It doesn’t belong to me, it belongs to God.
  3. What does it take to get you out of bed without your hitting the snooze button?
    Being rushed, having to drive some distance, someone waking me up in a sudden.
  4. What does it take to get you to take someone else’s turn at a really unpleasant task at work or home?
    Uhm. so so.  I guess it depends on the mood, normally I’m willing to help.
  5. What does it take to get you to eat something you really dislike?
    Now this one is a toughie…  I’m not the type to try out new foods, I stick to what I know I like, though strangely I tell others to try different things.  I guess so they can give me a taste and then I know if I like it or not for the next time.   But I will not eat meat or caffeinated drinks.

Friday Five – September 11, 2009


1. Will or did you go on vacation this summer?   Vacation: none (but sorta: I went on a Study Tourc)
2. Where will/did you go? Israel (Various, including Jerusalem), Greece (Athens), Turkey (7 churches sites, Istanbul)
3. What do you like about the place? Seeing the biblical places and the fresh perspective that you get.  And seeing the people and how they live.
4. What don’t you like about the place? The heat,  it’s too hot.
5. Where do you want to go next summer?  Next summer I don’t think i’m going anywhere.  Just work.

Friday Five


A Religious Friday Five (oddly enough)…

1. Were you raised in a particular religious faith?

Yes.  Seventh-day Adventist from birth.  My mother got baptized when she was pregnant with me.

2. Do you still practice that faith? Why or why not?

Never had left.   I am now a Seventh-day Adventist minister.

3. What do you think happens after death?

This is a fascinating topic and and eye opener in a Bible study.  Shortly put for this blog.  We go into a state that the Bible calls “sleep”   (John 11:11-13) – because that is what the experience will be when we awake at our resurrection, whether resurrection to life or condemnation (Revelation 20).

4. What is your favorite religious ritual (participating in or just

Communion, especially the washing of feet (John 13:14).

5. Do you believe people are basically good?

No and Yes.  No because of Rom 3:12; Isa 64:6; Jer 13:23.  But God has extended to us grace, that works within us so we can know many times what is just and what is not, but it is not natural from within us but outside of us a gift from God when he provided the solution to the sin problem “and I will put enmity between you and the woman”(Gen 3:15).