Friday Five: Temperature/Climate (11.13.09)


1) Which one is more irritating- being too hot or being too cold?
Being too hot, definitely.   With cold you can always put on more clothes.   With hot you can only take off so much.  And since I’ve always hated shorts, caps, and I’m not one to have my shirt off, I hate when it’s too hot.  It’s hard to breathe, it makes you spend money (ice cream, juices, etc), the town is crowded with everyone being out.  It’s just horrible.  Not saying that cold is good (and I live in Michigan) but it’s a lot better than too hot.

2) Were you born in the winter or the summer?
I was born in the middle of summer JULY.  Growing up I think there was only 1 or 2 birthday party days that had cloudy weather (but by no means bad).  I I had b-day parties until 24 (for as long as I can remember I never wanted one at least since junior high years)

3) What are your favourite foods to eat when you need to warm up and cool down?
To cool down: COLD water, juice (please no soda, I don’t like soda).  But in hot weather I have no desire to eat food, just to have something light and cold.

To warm up: that’s a little bit harder.  Since it takes more to heat up but a good light (and I mean light, I’m not a fan of soups) soup.  Hot chocolate is really not my thing (My wife likes it and tea – I haven’t drank tea in ages) unless I’m at a camp-out with others.  but a good veggie-mail should do the trick.

4) Which one are you more likely to suffer from- hayfever or flu- and does it run in your family?
Had to look up online what Hay-fever is.  But From the those two, I’m more likely hay-fever (from the symptoms chart as least).  Because usually my thing is with nasal dripping when I get sick.  (I saw that is says due to allergies and pollen)  If that’s true I got allergies my last year at Southern.  I  lived in basement with no windows and it was a magnet for dust.

5) You are granted a day of perfect weather whenever you like. What day do you place it on and why?
70-75 degree temperature.  I place it on Monday, generally my day off.  Fewer people at places, unfortunately your friends etc are at work.

Five Five: Wishes (10.30.09)


1) If you came upon a time machine, where would you go? Would you alter anything? Why?

Hmm. Wow so many… but it would be cool to see God creating this world in the 6 days.  Although I’m not sure if I’d be allowed the privilege (Adam didn’t see any of it, nor did he see Eve’s creation).  So next would be following Daniel around Babylon.

2) If you managed to capture the Questing Beast, an odd combination of animal forms that is said to know the answers to all questions, what one question would you ask it? Would the answer change anything?

Either I’m very tired, or what kind of question is this.

3) You’ve found yourself a rather obedient genie in a bottle. Make your three wishes. Why, out of everything you could ask for, do these three win out?

Am I the only one that thinks that even the imagination of a genie appear is scary.  Have you heard of all those genie horror stories.  If you’ve seen the movie “Bedazzled” you know what I’m talking about.

4) Someone presents you with a working voodoo doll. Do you use it? On who, why, and to what purpose?

No. I’m a Christian.

5) Pick a superpower, any superpower. What and why? How would this change your life?

Since I want to be done with this I will answer as when I was 10 years old.  Superman powers.

Friday Five: Various (10.16.09)


I see no correlation between these questions… but here goes:

1. Where were you born (city or state or just country)?

I was born in a city. San Francisco, CA.

2. What is your favorite number?

I don’t have a favorite number. I still can’t decide between to. Sometimes the leaning alternates. The numbers are 7 and 12. Both Biblical numbers.

On a different note: They are biblical numbers. 7 = completion, Sabbath/rest. 12 = tribes of Israel/Disciples.

3. Vanilla or chocolate?

Easy question. Vanilla. I’m really not a fan of chocolate unless it involes a Snickers bar or a Twix bar. Since getting married I’ve had to start opening up to eating chocolate.

Though vanilla is not that great either, but a lot better than Chocolate. Though Soy Milk introduced to to not hesitating vanilla flavor.

4. What section of a bookstore would I find you in?

Hmm. Well you probably won’t find me in a bookstore. I tend to buy all my books online. CBD or Amazon usually.

If I am in a bookstore then you’ll find me in one of two places.
1. Religious Section
2. (Sadly) Discount Section.

On a side note: I can’t go to a bookstore to study because I just want to scan through the religion books.

5. What kind of mattress do you have on your bed? soft? firm? water?

Those memory foam beds. It’s good, I just wish the real memory foam in it was thicker.

Friday Five: Careers (10.09.08)


1. What did you dream of being when you were a little child?
Lots. As normal for a boy: Astronaut, President, Pastor
2. What did you think you might become when you were between the ages of 12-13?
Navy Admiral, Navy Fighter Jet pilot, Pastor
3. What career choices did you consider as a young adult?
Telecommunications (IT), Pastor
4. Did you follow along one of the career paths you considered?
Yes a pastor.
5. Have you changed careers since then? Was it by choice or necessity?
No. I cannot think of doing anything else.